Sunday, August 08, 2010

This is where we live

I have had a request to see photos of our property - we live on 2 1/2 acres - so I thought the best way was to make a collage. From top left our house from the gate,looking down the driveway to the large shed, to the right of the shed is our pool and just outside of this photo is Royce's granny flat.Middle left - front garden, looking down the side of the house, looking back up the yard from where the last photo finished.Bottom left - Looking across the backyard to Royces Granny flat shed, this gate marks where the three paddocks start, looking from the gate back to the house. There are small gardens as well but I can't find the photos of those. Keep an eye out for the vegie patch progress posts coming up soon.


Steve, Karen and Ian, Kathy said...

Looking forward to seeing it IRL in the next couple of months. Hoping to be down your way early October, but will email you soon re details.
It looks wonderful - can't wait to see the gardens you have been working on also.

Unknown said...

It looks like a lovely place Gail and I love veggie gardens so I'm looking forward to seeing yours .

Linda said...

Lovely and peaceful Gail. I would love to sell up and move somewhere just like that but reluctant to give up our big empty nest home! Can't wait to see your vegie garden too.

Bev C said...

Hello Gail.

Looks like a green paradise to me. Enjoy.
Happy Monday.

Vicki ♥ said...

Looks lovely Gail and its no wonder you needed the lawn mowers :)

Melanie H said...

Your property is stunning Gail.