Saturday, February 27, 2010

Larnarch Castle

On the way to Larnarch castle about twenty minutes drive from Dunedin.

Lanarch castle is not actually a castle but a Scottish Boronial style gothic revival manor. William Larnach was a pioneer in the freezing and exporting of lamb meat.

The Ballroom. Was built by William for his daughters 21st birthday.

How cool is this tower.

Haylee in the stairwell, we were not allowed to take pics inside - I forgot and took one just as Haylee was heading back down the stairwell.

Gail, MAry, Haylee & Michele on the tower.

View of part of the garden from up on the tower.
The gardens were just spectacular.

How stunning is the view from inside this rotunda. Just love it.

Part of the rock garden.

Loved this rustic old garden seat made from waggon wheels..

Looking up to the guest house which was the original stables.

The amazing view form the top of the rock garden.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautiful garden so well looked after.