Sunday, June 21, 2009

Making your home a haven

This weeks challenge at Tammy's recipes is to This week's Making Your Home a Haven challenge is to "clean out or organize a drawer or closet! Most of us probably have at least a few over-stuffed or messy drawers in our homes... so choose one that will have a positive effect in your home and tackle it!! :) "

I have plenty of those drawers around the home. I will tackle the lounge room one first then on to the bathroom drawers.
As to the last weeks challenge I am still working on the magazines, just can't seem to find time or motivation to get it finished. BUT I will set a goal to have the pile under the computer desk that I have chosen the projects in to be finished by the end of this month, that gives me 8 days to enter the details from 19 magazines into the files on my computer. And then I will work on the other 20 that I haven't looked at yet.

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