Sunday, December 17, 2006


Well doesnt life get busy at Christmas time. I am hoping by the end of today that I have caught up. With "The Boyfriend" out of the way I have been able to try and catch up on some swap that I was running late with. Today I should have finished the gift I am making for the Chrsitmas day gift for my advent swap and post it off tomorrow. Then I have a couple of scrapping gifts to make, about 20 gifts to wrap, a couple more to buy and Chrsitmas is organised. Oh I have to write my Christmas letter and all my cards today also to be posted tomorrow.

Having a nice quiet Christmas at the beach with my sister, soooo looking forward to that.

Heres a couple of the Chrissy gifts that I have made.


Miss cath said...

I love your canvases Miss Nance. you do such a great job!

craftyme said...

I too love your work, everything is so colourful and bright, and you are such a busy lady, look forward to watching and reading your blog.