Monday morning when I was filling my compost bin 3 frogs jumped off the lid and several from ind side the bin, one had fallen into the compost - I hope he is all right. I must confess here that I did squeal.
That night just after dinner Meagan noticed that there were heaps frogs on the brick wall above my Japanese garden. We all wandered out to have a look and seriously I thought I was in Egypt. There were dozens of frogs jumping all over the place. I am not a big frog fan, I think they are cute and I love photos of frogs but don't handle the possibility that they could jump on me.
Here's a few that were on the outside of my bedroom window sill. i was serenaded to sleep last night by a frog chorus.
This morning when I walked outside the back door about 15 frogs jumped out of the way, one even tried to get into Royce's room.
This week I had plans to weed the Japanese garden so yesterday I donned my new boots - yeah I now how funny is it that i bought a new pair of boots last week that have frogs on them and singing frogs at that and entered the danger zone.
Twenty minutes and I have 2 bags of weeds and half a weeded garden. Was going to finish it today but as it was raining I didn't get out there - well I guess there is this afternoon.
This year we have fruit on one of them. They are real black grapes - you know like the way they use to taste when you were a kid. Yummmmmmmmmmy.
I had a play in my vegie patch 2 weeks ago. I pulled off all the dead leaves on my rhubarb plant as I did I dislodged a mini crown. I popped in a bit of soil and gave it a bit of water not sure if it would actually grow and here it is sprouting new leaves, I am very happy.
Hello Gail. Lucky you having so many frogs in your garden it must be enviromentally friendly. Enjoyed looking at your garden. Happy gardening.
Gail your garden in looking lovely. Also your frogs are just so cute.:D
G'eve Gail ... good thing none of those little fellas jumped inside your boots ... you'd be a dancing all over! Lovely gardens.
Have a beautiful eve.
Happy St. Patricks Day ~
Hugs, Marydon
Hi Gail, I love frogs we have some in our garden from time to time but you sure are blessed to have so many. I love it when they sing. Your garden is beautiful!
Great work on the garden!
Those tiny frogs are so cute! :)
What cute teeny tiny frogs !
Thanks for the tour of the garden .. it does not take long for the weeds to smother everything. Grrrr!!!!!
You can keep those frogs .. not my favourite thing .. all slimy and cold.
Your garden is looking good Gail. Can't wait to start mine. Spring is coming soon here.
Your frogs are so cute..
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